The laser beam, inserted through the cannula into the hypodermis, acts on the adipocytes and surrounding tissues.

(B and C)
Due to the photomechanical effect, part of the laser energy ruptures the membrane of the adipocytes closest to the end of the fibre, while due to the photothermal effect another part closes the blood vessels.

By working in the more superficial layers of the hypodermis, part of the laser energy produces an immediate shrinkage effect in the dermal collagen with photostimulation of the neocollagenasis.

In some cases, the adipocytes are not destroyed immediately. Nevertheless, the laser energy still manages to cause irreversible damage that leads to their destruction within a few months

Laser Lipolysis Post Treatment Care

The great advantage of Laser Lipolysis is that the recovery is very fast. You will begin to recovery the second the procedure is over. You will be taken to a recovery room and your doctor will go over instructions as far as post operative care for your body with you and talk about what happened during the procedure. Typical patients can usually return home within two hours after the procedure. The instructions that your doctor gives you are very important so you need to be sure to follow them. Your doctor may or may not prescribe pain meds.

After your procedure you are also going to receive compression bandages and these are very important. They are going to help your tissues from shifting after you have your procedure. These bandages are also going to help prevent any clotting from occurring.
Your surgeon may or may not instruct you to move around to help with circulation but you may be limited to only do minor activities that won’t make you strain. Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications or any type of blood thinner such as Aspirin. Another thing to remember is not to smoke.

Laser Lipolysis procedure is followed by many stages of healing .In the first stage you will have minor bruises and may experience some numbness immediately after the procedure which ultimately will subside after a few hours and maybe 2 days . You can resume normal daily activities when swelling subsides and then you will see full results. Swelling usually only lasts about a week.

Your doctor will also bring you in for several visits to follow up with you and to see your results. Your follow up visits will include an examination to make sure that your wounds are healing properly. Making sure you make it to all of your appointments is important so that your doctor can determine that everything is healing good and in a timely manner. Your skin typically is back to normal within three months time.